
Showing posts from August, 2024

Song Review:: Jeon Somi: Ice Cream- Ice Cream

Release date: 2024 August 02 Album tracklist: Ice Cream Album runtime: 3 minutes      There's a particular texture to Jeon Somi's voice I deeply enjoy that I had the pleasure of hearing live at KCon LA 2024, and I particularly appreciate that it works so well with a sugary sweet summer bop like this.     Unfortunately, sugary sweet is just about the only thing memorable about this song, which is so frustrating considering how much I love her voice. Realistically, the pre-chorus and the chorus don't show up as often as I think they do, but the amount of time given to them versus anything else makes me feel as though that's all the song is. Because of this, listening to the song on repeat traps me in a time anomaly where I have no idea what point in the song I'm at for any given moment when I zone out or zone in except for the very end. It's even in English, which you think would help considering my Korean is not very good, but it might as well be in Russian for a

Song Review:: Taemin (SHINee): Eternal- Sexy in the Air

Release date: 2024 August 19 Album tracklist: G.O.A.T, Sexy in the Air , Horizon , The Unknown Sea, Crush, Deja Vu, Say Less Album runtime: 21 minutes      As the inaugural review for this new blog, I had to go with Taemin. I know this is a few weeks late, but better late than never and it's at least still in August. Hello, and welcome!      As his first album under the new company, I'm sure most fans approached it with mild or moderate hesitation.       Luckily, I don't necessarily think we need have worried too much.       The song opens with some grindy electric guitar, an element I have to admit I'm a fan of in general. It reminds me of a science fiction dystopia film at night in the rain during a chase, which is a specific image for me that isn't at odds with the music video.      The verses lose that guitar, turning into more of a generic trap sound that unfortunately loses my attention, but turns the dystopia into a sleek and sleezy nightclub. I think my favo

Who is this Random Person Reviewing K-Pop and Why Does Her Voice Matter in the Cacophonous Discord that is the Internet?

     Much like a recipe blog, this K-Pop review blog depends on the path leading me to where I am at today to dictate my tastes and how I perceive the world. Unlike a recipe blog, I'm not going to start every review with fifteen pages of backstory to get to the good stuff that you would actually care about.      You'll get the full fifteen (this is a joke, I don't think it's that long) pages up front, so you can decide for yourself if I'm worth listening to. There are a lot of voices out there. I'm merely one of them. Hopefully somewhat entertaining, but considering it took one of my friends four years to realize I was fun, I'm not holding my breath on that one.      So, who am I, and why should you care? Because my story isn't extraordinary. Well, it is because it's mine, but there are at least thousands, probably millions of other stories like it. Maybe something about mine resonates with you. But I do like to think I have some credentials for musi