Halloween Spookening: 2024 Edition

 I love Halloween. It's been my favorite holiday for literally my entire life. I have loved Halloween longer than Sangyeon of The Boyz has been alive, barely because my first Halloween was a couple of days before he was born, but according to my mother, even at the age of not-quite one years old, I have loved it. She dressed me up as a San Francisco 49ers cheerleader. I have pictures. 

One of the most important things, then, is finding music that matches the Month of Spookening and horror. I love spooky movies. I love spooky books. I love spooky video games (even though I am a wuss of the nth degree and prefer to watch other people play them). And I love spooky music.
THUS, this post is simply going to be a compilation of some of the songs I've added to my Halloween K-Pop playlist. If I were to add all of the songs in there, this post would be ages long. So I'm only going to add as many as I feel like it. I don't know how long this is going to be. But there will be vibes. And also some amount of descriptions. 

Monster by Seventeen (Hip-Hop Unit)

This song is the reason why I decided to put together this playlist in the first place. Up until their performance at Follow Again to Incheon, I basically ignored this unit's songs because even though SCoups is my favorite, I don't like rap. But, oh, my goodness. That first performance of Monster absolutely enthralled me and lives in my head rent free. Vernon gave Seventeen a quintessential Halloween vibing song. And the fact that they're actually going to be performing it on Halloween. I'm so jealous of those Carats.

Bite Me by Enhypen

You know and I know that a vampire themed song with vampire themed lyrics is going to end up in a Halloween playlist. 

Nightmare by JIHYO

I'd love for this song to end up in a horror TV show where the main female lead finally snaps Carrie style. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. It's that kind of song, and I love it.

Witch by xikers

Slenderman choreography? Check. Scream sound effects? Check. Creepy "peek-a-boo"? Check. Play on words between the English word "witch" and the Korean word "위치"? Siren sound effects? Check. A super creepy music video? Check. Dystopian lore? Check. (Also, Bittersweet from the same album because talking about candy and having a music video like that absolutely qualifies it as well).

28 Reasons by Seulgi

This is apparently one of the most iconic spooky-themed Halloween songs, and it's in the same category of songs as Bite Me. It's deliciously spooky.

Propose by Dreamcatcher

I only discovered this song a few days ago, but already it's taken up resident in my brain completely rent free. They're incredible vocalists. The tone of the rapper is delicious. I mean, Dreamcatcher in general reminds me of Evanescence, which is a band from my youth that always triggers the Halloween themed happiness in my brain every time I listen to their songs. But, oh, my giddy aunt.

Marionette by LUMINOUS

Creepy music box music alert! 

Paranoia by Kang Daniel

Kang Daniel has a beautiful tone, but considering he wrote this song based on his experiences, the real-life implications of the song makes this song even more fitting for Halloween. 

Chase Me by Dreamcatcher

Dreamcatcher is getting an additional entry here because this is a different album. The group concept is so Halloween-themed that I could probably fill this entire thing with just their songs. And their voices...

Wolf by EXO

I had a vampire entry, and so now it must needs be that I include a werewolf entry as well. Also, a shout-out to the Mayfly cover which is even more on theme.

Ghost by Dreamnote

I would have had no idea this song existed if I hadn't done a review of Joyful Green and seen that this song was a popular listen. The title clued me in. The amount of creepy laughing in it gives me life, and oh, my goodness their voices are so amazing.

The Ghost by Yook Sungjae

Personally, the first time I heard this song, I immediately thought of the video game Cyberpunk 2077, and this song is just haunting. And, honestly, his voice is possibly one of the best ones I've heard in a while. Gotta love the BTOB vocalists.

So, I provided the music videos, or audio as the case may be if it's a b-side. But, if you're anything like me, you're kind of lazy. So, here's the actual playlist for this year, nearly 45 minutes of various Halloween spookiness.

Thank you all for the indulgence. You're awesome. Have a fabulous Halloween!


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