Song Review:: NouerA: New is Now- N.I.N (New is Now) {Debut}

  • Release date: 2025 February 26

  • Album tracklist: Sparkle, N.I.N (New is Now), Bring the Crunk, MU, Jet Stream, Pairing

  • Album runtime: 3 minutes

 Okay. Technically I'm pulling this out of the draft line, but this is a debut and I'd like to make sure I get this one done before too much time has passed on it. Oh! I was watching this survival show! And then I got distracted! This is the debut group from MakeMate1! And everyone in the group is seventeen or older! I remember a couple of the members as the trainees, which is impressive because I only watched a couple of episodes before getting distracted. This should be interesting. 

Five seconds in and I am in love. These instrumentals at the beginning feel exactly like an old theme song from the 60s, specifically for Batman or Scooby-Doo. Or Scooby-Doo and Batman, but that didn't happen until 1972. It's a little jazzy, a little disco, and all drama. Also. Hold on. Do my ears deceive me or is that an EDM dance break? In this day and age? Couldn't be happier. I'm pleased by this debut. It's fun, quirky, 

So the whole point of MakeMate1 was that they got a group of predominately non-trainees to do this survival show to debut in a K-Pop group. I remember this because one of them was a rescue diver and there was also a fireman among the group. Not the debuting group, I don't think, but the reason I'm saying this is because the members of this group didn't necessarily come from years of dance or singing experience, but if I remember correctly, they also didn't necessarily learn entirely on the survival show because there was training beforehand for them. Still, I really like what they're giving us. It's a good blend of singing and rapping, there are some interesting harmonies and ad-libs.

Storyline! Storyline! Storyline! Y'all, this is so good. The color scheme is good. The balance of choreography and story is good. But this is full-blown science fiction right here. I thought it was a standard apocalypse story, which would have been enough for me, but it's an apocalypse caused by the unraveling of reality. Is NouerA trying to stop it? Are they the harbingers of it? Are they causing it? Are they innocent bystanders that just happen to get roped into it? I don't know, but the fact that I have these questions is an excellent sign. 

I'm pleased by this debut. It's fun, quirky, and bold enough that they might be able to stand out a little in an oversaturated market.


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