Song Reviews:: Eunhyuk (Super Junior): EXPLORER- UP N DOWN

  • Release date: 2025 January 27

  • Album tracklist: A-yo, UP N DOWN, TRAP, You & I (feat. Kyuhyun), Step by Step, Second Chances, EMPTY - Special Track

  • Album runtime: 21 minutes

 The average runtime of this album would have been a lot higher if that first song wasn't only a minute long. Removing that one brings the average up to almost three and a half minutes, which is delightful. I also remember him saying something about this at SM Town a couple weeks ago, though I could be misremembering things. It was very late, and I was very tired. But what I am definitely for sure about is that this is his first proper album, not his solo debut, and it's been a very long time in coming.

I thought this was going to be a bit more hiphop judging by that opening and the record scratching, but it's incredibly synthy, though, and funky, which I think makes it new jack swing. I have a post-it note next to my computer where I have a list of the genres that I've been encountering a lot that I'm mostly unfamiliar with and then a note card with some key identifying characteristics of those genres. There's a stretch of the instrumentals at about two and a half minutes where I'm reminded a lot Meghan Trainor's song All About That Bass and RIIZE's song Boom Boom Bass.

However, there was also a lot less rapping from Eunhyuk than I was expecting, again, because of that intro as well as the limited amount I've heard from the D&E subunit. But, he also has the kind of voice I expect from a second gen idol. It's not on as much display as I'd like, but also, this style of song doesn't really provide the space for the big displays of vocal acuity. Still, despite this, the song is still incredibly catchy, by design of course, but a good show for the first full album.

Functionally, this is more of a performance video with most of the choreography getting the attention and very little if any storyline to be had. However, there's a surprise appearance from Shindong, and looking at the credits for Empty down there on the bottom of the tracklist, I spy Donghae's name. Also of note in this album is the inclusion of the SuJu maknae, Kyuhyun. So this may be a solo, but it's also very nice to see clear support from his members. Anyway. The choreography is predominately group choreography, which again is a little funny considering this is a solo song, and shows off his dancing incredibly well. I image the comeback stages are very nice.


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