Song Review:: 8TURN: LEGGO- LEGGO
- Release date: 2025 March 04
- Album tracklist: LEGGO
- Album runtime: 6 minutes
I have to have this one set up so that I can just do the review Tuesday morning so it can be added to the graph in a timely manner. By the time this comes out, they'll have been on ASC, so look for the Weekly Music Reviews post later today for that link. I didn't even realize they were dropping a new something. I suppose I should have anticipated it given that they're going on tour soon, but I just spaced it. Also, I'm incredibly excited to see them because they're actually coming to my city. Third K-Pop group to come here and second to come here on tour. I'm very excited to see them, and not just because I want to support the K-Pop coming here when we have decent sized venues. I really don't like that their maknae was fifteen at debut and doesn't turn eighteen until shortly after the concert, but he was also only one of two that were underage at debut.
They weren't lying when they said they were going back to their hip-hop roots. We've got record scratching, which is always fun to hear. We've also got metal tinging, like it's a street performance, which often hits my brain in a good way and always makes me wonder if they recorded the metal tings themselves (the sound people, not the members, although that is a possibility I won't discount) or if they got it off a sound storage somewhere. We've also got audience participation snapping through part of this. There's also a little bit of a jazzy feel to it in places, so that I appreciate. The rhythm of the instrumental sections is also really well done with them actually feeling like a song on their own without the vocals happening.
There is so much going on vocally with this song. It's very well layered with singing happening at the same time as the rapping in places, which adds a really cool harmony to the song and some fantastic textures. There are a lot of places where they're technically singing a cappella, also something I appreciate a lot. And everything is just so smooth in different ways that the song is surprisingly tactile. Also, Jaeyun's vocals. That's it. Just an acknowledgement of how amazing they are.
This is definitely a vibes and visuals music video, with the vibes being fun and the visuals on point. I don't know if people still say that or if I just dated myself, but whatever. The point being, they all look very good, and I'm kind of in love with Myung Ho's hair a little bit. I love that kind of bi-color. The choreography feels very relaxed and loose, without a strong emphasis on synchronization, which also fits with the song vibes. It's the chill kind of hip-hop, not the angry kind of hip-hop.
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