Song Review:: ONEWE: WE : Dream Chaser- The Starry Night

  • Release date: 2025 March 05
  • Album tracklist: Alice, The Starry Night, EVILDOER, Traffic Love, Coincidence, Endless, Rise Again, Dreamcatcher, All the things I love, Indelible, Sole Star
  • Album runtime: 38 minutes

So I'm excited for this. ONEWE has been added to my list of "artists whose songs I enjoy when I've run into them in the wild, even if I haven't actively looked up their discography". As I've said before with them, rock bands are my jam. So here we are with them dropping more music for me, and many others, to enjoy. And I was quite surprised to see this was a full album with an average run time of three and a half minutes, give or take. I'm eyeballing it.

I'm getting a little bit of an anime-esque intro theme to this. This is a big explosion of energy that, delightfully, starts off softly, gently, and then booms before settling a little only for a gorgeous, shredded guitar solo to absolute make its way, screaming, through the song. That guitar is a spotlighted centerpiece for the song, and it comes at precisely the right moment for the energy of the song to slam into the climax and shove us along for the ride.

I love the rock growl in their voices. It's exactly what I want to be hearing from a rock group, so I have no complaints here. I also don't really have any notes. Which is shocking to me. I don't know why this song feels so un-memorable vocally. There are others on the album that I can remember pretty well, but not this one. I don't like this because I have nothing to pinpoint why I'm struggling with this. The sad thing is, I do really like the song. It's just not sticking very well.

I'm a little entertained by the hat over the towel or the handkerchief. That particular fashion combination feels a little inspired by a certain second gen idol recently returned after a hiatus from entertainment business. I'm also seeing it a lot more frequently the last little bit, which is even more entertaining for me. There's clearly no reason for that fashion combination to be trending. Also, there's a particular scene where two of the members are standing back-to-back, with one in black hair and the other in platinum blond hair. The symbolism, the play on light and shadows. It's just so good. Bit more of a vibes and visuals music video, but they're on the moon. I can forgive a lot if the moon shows up as a starring member of the cast.


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