Song Review:: ONEWE: WE : Dream Chaser- The Starry Night
Release date: 2025 March 05 Album track list: Alice, The Starry Night , EVILDOER, Traffic Love, Coincidence, Endless, Rise Again, Dreamcatcher, All the things I love, Indelible, Sole Star Album runtime: 38 mi nutes So I'm excited for this. ONEWE has been added to my list of "artists whose songs I enjoy when I've run into them in the wild, even if I haven't actively looked up their discography". As I've said before with them, rock bands are my jam. So here we are with them dropping more music for me, and many others, to enjoy. And I was quite surprised to see this was a full album with an average run time of three and a half minutes, give or take. I'm eyeballing it. I'm getting a little bit of an anime-esque intro theme to this. This is a big explosion of energy that, delightfully, starts off softly, gently, and then booms before settling a little only for a gorgeous, shredded guitar solo to absolute make its way, screaming, through the song. That guita...